Wednesday, November 3, 2010

No running...walking faster faster! NO RUNNING!

Do you know what it is like to chase after a dozen small Indian children who have one thing on their mind after school...and that is to NOT walk in a straight line home...I am very sure it's just like any bunch of children anywhere in the world! Yes they are normal...the only difference is that they welcome you...a complete stranger...with an open heart..and why shouldn't they...they have nothing to lose...have they lost it already or have they never had it in the first place...they are curious about you...and here I am trying to communicate with them not knowing Kannada...the language they speak...a few struggle in simple English and it is so refreshing...they did try to teach me a song...and before I leave I will master this song...and perhaps a dance to go with it!...they are full of 'thank you Jo'...for something so simple as helping them to chage out of their getting their cups off the shelves for them to have their just simply hanging with them till their tutors come...the older boys and girls are more disciplined and eager to do well in school...they are full of life and beautiful smiles...Jo Jyothi Jo Jyothi!...perhaps it is us that have lost come tomorrow Jo?...yes I come tomorrow but NO RUNNING ok? just walking faster faster! 


  1. what a wonderful feeling to be appreciated for the simplest of things....and how we soooo forget how lucky we are and yet we still grumble and are not have truly found your calling my dear twin......xoxoxoxo
    am happy for all the wonderful experiences this trip is giving yu.......enjoy it and appreaciat it to the max.......and keep sharing them with us......truly amazin.....

  2. am loving what you do JO! when you get to heaven pls reserve a place for me beside you!! keep the great stories coming, am very inspired by your lifestyle and just wish i could pack up and do what you do...tis a bit hard with a family in tow! please let me know how i can help in anyway...i have to try to keep up faster and faster too!! Namaste!

  3. thats is so true denise......and we all can help in our own little Jo tell us how?????

