Thursday, October 28, 2010


I have finally arrived in incredible India (think commercial)…incessant blaring horns…swiftly moving in and out of traffic…people everywhere…smiles…cows…coconuts…saris…dhal…chapatti…all in one day…unbelievable…exhilarating… welcome rain…India is so alive…I wonder if the people ever sleep…I like the house that we are staying in and the couple are so welcoming…but I can already sense the grand divide between the rich and the poor…mothers with child begging…children with outstretched arms asking for something so basic as water…yes this is India…and though it may be my first time here it is reminiscent of many other places I have visited…Incredible India!

1 comment:

  1. vanaheloookam....sounds fast paced and can almost hear the hustle and bustle and smell the !!!!!!....awaiting next update o:) o:) o:)
